E-Portfolio Skip to main content


Students are required to develop and maintain an e-portfolio throughout the MPH program. The e-portfolio serves as a tool for students to showcase their knowledge, skills, and competencies attained throughout the MPH program. The e-portfolio will be developed across multiple courses and activities. This e-portfolio will belong to the student after graduation and may be useful in applying for jobs and internships. Each student will have the option of personalizing this e-portfolio to their individual needs, but at a minimum the e-portfolio must contain the following:

  • Personal Information including:
    • Photo
    • Personal statement
  • Professional Profile:
    • CV/resume
    • Links to LinkedIn, Handshake, etc.
  • Tangible Products:
    • At least two Field Experience (Applied Practice Experience) products
    • Final Field Experience Written Report (see pages 25-30 of the MPH Student Handbook for requirements)
    • Integrated Learning Experience Product (from capstone course - HLTH 690)
    • Other written products (could include writing samples, mentored research papers and presentations, policy memos, other applied classroom products)

For a complete list of courses in which the e-portfolios will be completed and assessed, refer to the MPH Student Handbook.

For instructions on how to create an e-Portfolio, click HERE or choose your own preferred platform.