Tuition & Funding Opportunities Skip to main content

Tuition & Funding Opportunities

Click HERE for graduate tuition costs.

The Department of Public Health offers periodic tuition and partial-tuition scholarships. Research assistantships are also available on a limited basis. Students bear the responsibility for all costs related to the field experience. However, with careful planning and foresight, scholarships and other financial opportunities are often available to support student travel and public health work. Graduate Studies also offers some scholarships.




MPH Scholarship Award

Made available from the generous donations of Marin and Jason Meyer, C. DuWayne, and Alice Schmidt, Mark M. Lewis, Robert Burgener, and Ross and Janet Fietkau.

Contact the MPH Program Manager or MPH Director for more information.

MPH Leadership Development Award

Funding to cover costs related to conference participation, professional workshops, professional certifications, and other professional/leadership development activities.


MPH Field Experience Scholarship Award

Up to $2,000 to cover tuition costs, living expenses, transportation, and other related costs related to the field experience.

Spring/Summer 2024

NRC Research Associateship Program

Research award designed to provide high-quality research opportunities at federal laboratories and affiliated institutions.

February 1

Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Scholarship

Tuition for students studying languages they plan to use in their future careers.

November & January

College of Life Sciences Scholarships

Multiple scholarships available to College of Life Science students.

February 1

Graduate Studies Student Funding

Funding available for professional presentations, fellowships, etc.

Refer to this often to find current opportunities

Graduate Studies Professional Presentation Award

Funding for students presenting original research at conferences or performing or displaying creative work.
