Handbook & Forms Skip to main content

Handbook & Forms

BYU requires a series of procedures that help students obtain appropriate clearance to progress in the MPH program. These procedures are met through approval granted by your MPH faculty advisor or BYU administrators given the following forms. Students hold primary responsibility and faculty advisors hold secondary accountability to assure that appropriate department and university forms are complete. Thus, it is recommended that each student and her/his academic advisor regularly review upcoming forms and requirements. They are listed in the general order most students may need them. Click HERE for field experience forms.

2024-2025 Student Handbook
Form Description Deadline
Program of Study Coursework and faculty advisor and reader approval 2nd week of winter semester (1st year) - for traditional students; 2nd week of winter semester (2nd year) - for 4+1 students
Program of Study (4+1 Students) Coursework and faculty advisor and reader approval 2nd week of winter semester (1st year)
Program of Study Change Approval to change coursework No specific deadline
Department Exit Survey (Final Self-Assessment) Final MPH Learning Outcome and program assessment through Qualtrics (will be emailed prior to graduation) Must be completed prior to graduation
Application for Graduation Requirements for applying for graduation can be found HERE Varies according to graduation
Approval of Completion Program requirement checklist for graduation clearance. Approved by faculty advisor, faculty reader, and MPH program manager Must be completed for graduation clearance by the posted MPH Graduation deadline
Institutional Review Board (IRB) Form Human subjects' approval must be completed for most circumstances if students are completing mentored research projects Deadlines vary