Field Experience Forms Skip to main content

Field Experience Forms

BYU requires a series of procedures before and after students complete their field experience. These procedures are met through approval granted by your MPH faculty committee. Students hold primary responsibility and faculty advisors hold secondary accountability to assure that appropriate department and university forms are complete. Thus, it is recommended that each student and her/his academic advisor regularly review upcoming forms and requirements. They are listed in the general order most students may need them in the following table:




Pre-Field Experience Self-Assessment Pre-Field Experience MPH Learning Outcome Assessment through Qualtrics Must be completed before leaving for the field experience
Field Experience Proposal Approval Used for faculty advisor and reader approval for field experience proposal Before HLTH 688R registration
Field Experience Log Used to log field experience hours for the required progress reports submitted to your faculty advisor To be completed after each 100 hours of supervised field experience
Internship Registration and Management Systems (IRAMS) (for domestic field experiences) Student internship application for department and university approval. Needed for HLTH 688R registration approval Deadline varies. Must be submitted and approved before HLTH 688R registration is allowed and field experience begins
Internship Agreement (for domestic field experiences) Legal agreement that protects the Field Experience Provider, the University, and the student intern Must be completed before beginning field experience and before registration for HLTH 688R will be approved - if no internship agreement has been completed previously
Individual Internship Proposal (for international field experiences) Used for international internship approval through the Kennedy Center Same as ISP application deadlines
ISP Application (for international field experiences) Used for international internship approval through the Kennedy Center July 1 for Fall Semester departure
November 1 for Winter Semester departure
March 1 for Spring Term departure
May 1 for Summer Term departure
Final Field Experience Report Approval Faculty advisor and reader approval for the Final Field Experience Report See MPH Graduation Deadlines for specific deadlines. Note: the report should be completed within one semester of completing the field experience
Post-Field Experience Self and Agency Assessment Post-Field Experience MPH Learning Outcome Assessment through Qualtrics Must be completed within 2 weeks of completing field experience
Post-Field Experience Preceptor Assessment Completed by preceptor Will be emailed by graduate program manager to preceptor following the completion of the field experience