Program of Study/Curriculum Skip to main content

Program of Study/Curriculum

During this two-year training program, all students in the program take 10 core courses that emphasize skill development and knowledge in key areas of public health including leadership, program management, communication, and data analysis. Working with faculty advisors, students select elective courses (12-credit minimum) tailored to their interests and goals.

Students typically take 12 credits per semester and must complete a minimum of 48 credits: 30 required credits, 12 elective credits, and 6 credits related to the MPH field experience (also referred to as the applied practice experience or APE). All requirements for the master's degree, including coursework and the field experience, are designed to be completed within 2 years of admission into the MPH program. Students who need to deviate from the Program of Study timeline must receive prior approval from the MPH director and designated MPH faculty advisor.

The online Program of Study form is due no later than the second week of winter semester. This includes courses to be taken and the approval of the faculty advisor, faculty reader, and MPH program manager. Changes to the Program of Study can be made at any time and need to be submitted through the same process.

Suggested Sequence of Courses

Year 1 - Fall Semester

HLTH 610 Foundations of Public Health 3 credits
HLTH 611 Quantitative and Qualitative Methods for Public Health I 3 credits
HLTH 613 Understanding Community, Family, and Individual Health 3 credits
HLTH 614 Program Planning, Evaluation, and Management I 3 credits

Year 1 - Winter Semester

HLTH 621 Quantitative and Qualitative Methods for Public Health II 3 credits
HLTH 622 Foundations of Health Behavior Change and Health Communication 3 credits
HLTH 623 Public Health Systems, Policy, and Advocacy 3 credits
HLTH 624 Program Planning, Evaluation, and Management II 3 credits

Year 1 - Spring and/or Summer Semester(s)

HLTH 688R Field Experience (Applied Practice Experience) 6 credits

Year 2 - Fall Semester

HLTH 632 Public Health Leadership and Ethics 3 credits
HLTH 690 Public Health Capstone (Integrative Learning Experience) 3 credits

Year 2 - Winter Semester

Electives Select in consultation with faculty advisor 12 credits
Total Credits 48 credits