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Rosemary Thackeray

Assistant to the President for Assessment and Planning
Public Health

C327 ASB
Provo, UT 84602


Journal Articles

Thackeray R, Neiger BL, Willey VA. 2018. An assessment of evaluation instruction related to CHES competencies in health education-related professional preparation programs. Health Education and Behavior. 45(6):1043-1051.

Thackeray R, Magnusson BM, Bennion E, Nielsen NR, Bailey RJ. 2018. Attitudes of U.S. Hispanic and non-Hispanic women toward congenital CMV prevention behaviors: a cross sectional study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 18:181.

Thackeray R, Magnusson BM, Christensen EM. 2017. Effectiveness of message framing on women’s intention to perform cytomegalovirus prevention behaviors: a cross-sectional study. BMC Women's Health.

Lindsay GB, Merrill RM, Thackeray R, Sloan CD. 2016. Assessing Whether Americans are Aware of the Nation’s Declining Health Ranking. Journal of Community Medicine and Health Education. 6(6).

Thackeray R, Magnusson BM. 2015. Child Care Provider Awareness and Prevention of Cytomegalovirus and Other Infectious Diseases. Child and Youth Care Forum. 45(2):301-314.

Hanson CL, West JH, Thackeray R, Barnes MD, Downey J. 2014. Understanding and predicting social media use for health information and support among community health center patients. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 16(11):e270.

Giraud-Carrier CG, Burton SH, Morris RG, West JH, Thackeray R. 2014. Mining Useful Association Rules from Questionnaire Data. Intelligent Data Analysis. 18(3).

Thackeray R, Wright A, Chipman K. 2014. Congenital cytomegalovirus reference material: A content analysis of coverage and accuracy. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 18(3):584-591.

Jackson TS, Reel JJ, Thackeray R. 2014. The Practical Application of Promoting Positive Body Image on a College Campus: Insights From Freshmen Women. American Journal of Health Education. 45:105-111.

LeCheminant JD, Hinman T, Pratt KB, Earl N, Bailey BW, Thackeray R, Tucker LA. 2014. Effect of resistance training on body composition, self-efficacy, depression, and total activity in postpartum women. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sport. 24(2):414-421.

Thackeray R, Neiger BL, Burton SH, Thackeray CR. 2013. An analysis of the purpose of state health departments' tweets: information sharing, engagement and action. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 15.

Thackeray R, Burton SH, Giraud-Carrier CG, Rollins S, Draper CR. 2013. Using Twitter for breast cancer prevention: An analysis of breast cancer awareness month. BMC Cancer. 13(508).

Neiger BL, Thackeray R, Burton SH, Thackeray CR, Reese JH. 2013. Use of Twitter among local health departments: An analysis of information sharing, engagement and action. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 15(8).

Thackeray R, Crookston BT, West JH. 2013. Correlates of health-related social media use among adults. Journal of Medical Internet Research.

Thackeray R, Neiger BL, Smith AK, VanWagenen SB. 2012. Adoption and Use of Social Media among State Health Departments. BMC Public Health. 12:242.

Neiger BL, Thackeray R, VanWagenen SA, Hanson CL, West JH, Barnes MD, Fagen MC. 2012. Use of social media in health promotion: purposes, key performance indicators, and evaluation metrics. Health Promotion Practice. 13:159-164.

Thackeray R, Fulkerson K, Neiger BL. 2012. Defining the Product in Social Marketing: An Analysis of Published Research from 1999-2009. Journal of Non-Profit and Public Sector Marketing. 24:83-100.

Cannon M, Westbrook K, Levis D, Schleiss MR, Thackeray R, & Pass RF. 2012. Awareness of and behaviors related to child-to-mother transmission of cytomegalovirus. Preventive Medicine. 54(5):351-357.

Smith-Jackson T, Reel JJ, Thackeray R. 2011. Coping with “Bad Body Image Days”: Strategies from first-year young adult college women. Body Image. 8(4):335-342.

Hanson CL, West JH, Neiger BL, Thackeray R, Barnes MD. 2011. Use and acceptance of social media among health educators. American Journal of Health Education. 42(4):197-204.

West JH, Thackeray R, Chambers CD, Kao KK, Dick LM, Jones KL. 2011. Correlates of Continued Alcohol Consumption During Pregnancy: Implications for Health Promotion. Californian Journal of Health Promotion. 9(1):56-61.

Neiger BL, Thackeray R, Fagen MC. 2011. Basic Priority Rating Model 2.0: Current Applications for Priority Setting in Health Promotion Practice. Health Promotion Practice. 12(2):166-171.

West JH, Hall PC, Hanson CL, Thackeray R, Barnes MD, Neiger BL, McIntyre E. 2011. Breastfeeding and Blogging: Exploring the Utility of Blogs to Promote Breastfeeding. American Journal of Health Education. 42(2):106-115.

West JH, Hall PC, Thackeray R, Hanson CL. 2010. Using Social Networking Sites to Support Online Individual Behavior Change Projects. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching. 6(3):686-691.


McKenzie JF, Neiger BL, Thackeray R. 2017. Planning, implementing, and evaluating health promotion programs: A primer. 7th ed. San Francisco CA: Pearson/Benjamin Cummings. 478 p.

McKenzie JF, Neiger BL, Thackeray R. 2013. Planning, implementing, and evaluating health promotion programs: A primer. 6th ed. San Francisco CA: Pearson/Benjamin Cummings. 493 p.

Book Chapter

McDermott R, McCromack Brown K, Thackeray R. 2011. Social Marketing and the Health Educator. Gerard Hasting, Kathryn Angus, Carol Bryant,, editors. The Sage Handbook of Social Marketing. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Conference Proceedings

Burton SH, Tew CV, Cueva SS, Giraud-Carrier CG, Thackeray R. 2013. Social moms and health: a multi-platform analysis of mommy communities. New York: ACM.


Thackeray R, Nixon AM, Romney ER, Tracy KB. Framing is the Key: Practical Ideas for Teaching Novice Evaluators How to Write Questions. American Evaluation Association Conference. Cleveland, Ohio. 2018 .

Thackeray R. Creating CMV Conversations using Social Media. Cytomegalovirus Public Health & Policy Conference. Salt Lake City. 2014 .

Thackeray R. What Do People Know About CMV? What Can We do About It?. Cytomegalovirus Public Health & Policy Conference. Salt Lake City. 2014 .

Thackeray R. Simple Steps to Successfully Measure Patient Satisfaction. AUCH Annual Membership Meeting & Primary Care Conference. Salt Lake City. 2014 .

Thackeray R. Using Social Media to Expand the Reach and Effectiveness of Public Health Webinar. TB Education and Training Network. Webinar. 2013 .

Thackeray R, Chipman K, & Wright A. Preventing cytomegalovirus infection: A content analysis of pregnancy websites and reference books. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. 2012 .

Thackeray R, Chipman K, Wright A. Coverage and Accuracy of Congenital Cytomegalovirus Information in Pregnancy Books and Websites. Poster Presentation. CMV 2012: 4th Congenital Cytomegalovirus Conference. San Francisco, CA. 2012 .

Thackeray R, VanWagenen S, Smith AK, Neiger BL, Prier K. Diffusion and Use of Social Media among State Health Departments. National Conference on Health Communication, Media and Marketing. Atlanta, GA. 2011 .