BYU Students Visit the World Health Organization Skip to main content

BYU Students Visit the World Health Organization

Study Abroad Students Dream Big

This year’s BYU Health Science Study Abroad students had the unique opportunity to visit the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland.

“Art students study in Italy, English students in England, we wanted our Health Science students to visit the ‘Mecca’ of public health in Switzerland,” said Dr. Josh West, one of the directors of the program.

Health Science students heard five presentations on topics such as infectious and chronic diseases, antibiotic resistance, and public health on a global stage. Students checked in and were granted visitor's badges for the day as they learned how their public health knowledge and skills can make a difference in the world.

“Today reminded me just how cool public health is and rekindled my desire to dream big!” said student Westin Wong. “It would honestly be a dream if I could return again one day.”
