Academic Unit Review Skip to main content

Academic Unit Review

Every seven years units participate in a process that involves:

  1. The writing of a self-study that addresses:

    1. Unit strategic plans
    2. Programs and students
    3. Faculty
    4. Facilities and resources
  2. An on-site visit by reviewers from other universities and members of BYU’s University Academic Review Committee.

The review team uses the self-study as the foundation for itsr visit, and interviews faculty, staff, and students, as well as other stakeholders (e.g., supervisors, lab directors, etc.). The visit takes place over a two-day period.

The results of the on-site visit include:

  1. An external report that provides an expert evaluation by people in the discipline.
  2. An independent internal report.
  3. An external evaluation of selected graduate products (if applicable).

The reports recognize the unit’s successes and provide recommendations for improvement. The process assists the unit and the university in making improvements and provides evidence of assessment and improvement for accreditation.

2019 - Unit Review